KINGrinder | Blog
September 8, 2021Read more...There are dual method A and method B for the PC lid. Method A is the default setting where the PC lid and the handle are separate-able for grinding. And the drill-grinding is applicable. Method B is to attach the PC lid and the handle altogether. Take out the Black O-ring from...August 26, 2021Read more...This post gives you a little idea of what you will get from the box. There you go.... The K4 grinder is well protected from foam sponges. Oh, how thoughtful, the dual-language manual came with an extra circlip as a replacement. Be sure to attach the white O-ring with the handle...July 7, 2021Read more...Showdown The comparison among the K0 grinder, the K1 grinder, the K2 grinder, the K3 grinder and the K5 grinder. These four grinders are from KINGrinder. The K0 grinder, the K1 grinder and the K2 grinder are look-alive with the circle ball design, and so as the K3 grinder and the K5...May 17, 2021Read more...Showdown The comparison of the K4 grinder and the K6 grinder. Both are premium manual coffee grinders from KINGrinder. The grinders look like twins, they shared the same weight of 600+g, the same exterior adjustment design where 60 clicks per round, the same hopper volume of 30~35g, the...Read more...Clean your grinder and keep the fines residual away. I found the exterior adjustment design is tricky to take apart throughout cleaning. However, it would be getting better after the practice. The grinder’s component parts of the exterior adjustment design. Disassembling your grinder:...Read more...Clean your grinder and keep the fines residual away. I personally find inner peace when cleaning the grinder. The interior adjustment design is the easiest model to take apart throughout cleaning. The grinder’s component parts of the interior adjustment design. Disassembling your...May 12, 2021Read more...The exterior adjustment design of the K4 and the K6 has made the adjustment design visible from internal to external. You don’t need to remove the receiver to set the desire grind size. You would comprehend the exterior adjustment mechanism of the K4 and the K6 after reading this post. ...May 12, 2021Read more...The interior adjustment design of the grinder is the most classic and widely used for the manual coffee grinder. The following post allows you to understand the interior adjustment mechanism of the K0, K1, K2, K3, K5. The grinder’s component parts of the interior adjustment design. ...May 7, 2021Read more...A comparison of the seven grinders with exterior adjustment and interior adjustment in the KINGrinder models. The grinders have been released in the market for a while, the frequently asked question is what is the difference between the grinders since it all looks similar. You would comprehend...